Friday, April 29, 2011

Shooting The Von Ehrics...

We didn't have much time and it was windy as hell, but I think we still got a nice promo photo for Dallas band The Von Ehrics. The guys have been making music for a long time, releasing their first album in 2001. With a new record out, the band needed a good promo photo. I think we did alright. If you like this image, you should also check out my music photography and editorial photography.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thanks PDN...

Night Driving...

I want to play around more with the movement and motion of night driving. I like the way a slow shutter speed and some intentional camera shake can give the image a feeling of speed and energy. Next time I do a test, I may find a better clamping for the camera, though. That will sharpen up the car's interior a little more, but it should still leave all the movement and motion in the street and street lights.


Return Of The Photo Booth...

Photo booths have become the new, hot thing at wedding receptions. I shoot an occasional wedding every now and then, and I've seen just how excited the guests get over these fun little photo factories! Of course, a photo booth doesn't have to be limited to weddings. I recently saw one set up at a charity event and rock concert. I think it would also make for a great attraction at trade shows, corporate events and just about anywhere else that the mind can imagine.

Who doesn't have fun sitting in a tiny booth and seeing those four flashes pop, capturing a crazy moment in time? I took the pictures above with Leah, the girl running a booth at a recent wedding I photographed. Her booth can be found at Imagine having one of these booths set up at a corporate event, like a sales kick-off or a new product rollout! Not only is it much more exciting than receiving yet another Koozie or keychain with a company logo on it, but people are much more likely to show and share the photos with friends - extending the marketing reach of the company giveaway.

Everyone has a blast in the booth. People will remember it more than another pen or other blah marketing giveaway! And modern photo booths allow you to put all sorts of text on the photo strip, making the marketing potential of the photo strip endless...

I love seeing how crazy people get around a photo booth. When silly props are involved (like the cats ears and glasses above), guests go absolutely nuts!

I know of several reputable companies that are running photo booths in the North Texas area. Every time I've seen them set up and running, they have a crowd of smiling people around them. I'm glad the old school photo booth has been updated to be successful in the modern, digital age. They are so cool. Check out the following photo booth companies for more info:

and, as always, check out more of my photography here and here.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Picnics Rule!!!

After doing this cover photo shoot on a very nice Friday afternoon in Dallas' Lee Park, I would've gladly sat down and enjoyed our picnic setup. Some of the other crew stuck around and ate/drank the props, but I had another shoot to get to. I did wind up plowing through the grapes on my way out, but I didn't have time to stick around for cherry pie and wine. That's the nice thing about using real food for props... you get to eat it after the photo shoot is done!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pictures of Chernobyl...